Monday, February 8, 2010

Use All Forms Of Media To Communicate

Let Your Message Evolve. . .

Communicating Your Message
At Video Labs, we love it when a customer stops by to regale us with nostalgic tales of the good old VHS days. The typical comment is, "Can you believe we used to work with VHS?"

We know, we know. Things were so simple back then. These days the media landscape is a vast frontier with many options for communicating your message - online delivery, webinar, social media, high definition videotape, and, of course, optical discs like Blu-ray, DVD and CD. Planning a marketing strategy in this changing economy can be a challenge. So, how should you spend your valuable marketing dollars to convey your message and effectively hit the target audience? Which screen is the best for your message?

Good News - There are Many Eggs for All the Baskets
The American appetite for consuming media has never been greater - Nielsen reports that the average user logged 140 hours of TV, 27 hours of Internet and 3 hours of mobile screen time per month; 57% of consumers reported watching TV while simultaneously online at least once a month. Industry experts have a name for it - "The Three Screens" - TV, computer and mobile device. Based on that, smart marketing includes a comprehensive approach - one version for each screen. Thus, your strategy to convey an important message would be served best by using
multiple media formats, increasing your chances of reaching the audience.

Industry Update - Discs Get You Noticed!
Not so fast! Slow down ! Don't pull the plug on discs yet! While some might say that online delivery of corporate presentations offers the most cost-effective approach, consider some of these recent industry studies.

> For video, DVD is still an industry standard for quality, accessibility and ease of use. While it's been thrilling to see the increase in quality of web-related video, viewing can still be compromised by slow to intermittent connection speeds. In addition, it's difficult to determine if the viewer has proper software to view your video for optimal quality and functionality.

> Standards of quality for online hosting sites have increased as these sites have started to generate revenue from ad sales. Still, most sites restrict video into a browser window where it may sit side-by-side with plenty of other 'stuff' - all of which distract and detract from your message. For educational and training materials, you'll want to keep your viewer's attention as long as possible.

> Industry research indicates that cross-platform users will opt for the'best screen available' when given a choice, making their selection based on quality of screen experience, convenience and availability. Sales of HD TVs are still strong despite the slow consumer market for electronics.

> High quality packaging for disc media offers you an additional opportunity to enhance your message, providing a tangible look and feel. Social media messaging and emails can be easily lost and overlooked in the onslaught of messages that are received but a hard copy disc, nicely presented, may stay on someone's desk with your message front and center.

Communication Connection
The staff at Video Labs advises clients to consider all factors when communicating messages. Before settling on a particular type of media, consider the audience and what action is being asked of them. Video Labs will work with you to ensure the most effective forms of media are being used to communicate your message.
15237 Display Court
Rockville, MD 20850

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